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KOPFWORTEWELT für Premium Beauty News
Von 2009 bis 2011 war ich für das Online-Portal „Premium Beauty News – World class news for beauty industry insiders” als Fachjournalistin tätig. Im Rahmen meiner Tätigkeit besuchte ich Fachmessen und Fachkongresse sowie Hersteller und Zuliefererbetriebe, um über wissenswerte Themen zu berichten. Zudem führte ich zahlreiche Interviews mit den Top Managern der Branche durch. Meine Beiträge verfasste ich in englischer Sprache.
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Top Management, Führungs- und Fachkräfte der Kosmetik- und Schönheitsindustrie und angrenzender Branchen sowie der Hersteller- und Zuliefererfirmen, Entwickler, R&D, Regulatory Affairs Manager, Produktmanager, Marketing, Einkauf & Export

The Body Shop wants to get closer from the market
Alexander Borwitzky, General Manager of The Body Shop Germany GmbH, tells Premium Beauty News how the cosmetics maker and retailer is reorganising its marketing operations in a context marked by the expansion of its retail network.
What does The Body Shop represent today?
Alexander Borwitzky - The Body Shop’s designated core businesses are cosmetics and body care, though the main focuses are the classic bath and body products.
The company operates over 2,500 retail stores worldwide in more than 60 countries through franchise or fully owned shops. In Germany, The Body Shop runs 83 company-owned stores and 11 franchise shops.
The Body Shop defines itself as the leading nature-inspired and ethical beauty company.
What would you define as your main assets in the current economic climate in Europe?
Alexander Borwitzky - Firstly, The Body Shop as a manufacturer’s brand with its own retail store chain has the benefit to directly communicate with its customers. Our retail staffs are the best ambassadors of the brand and they are able to convey our value system into the market. This is a big factor of success and an advantage in comparison to classic manufacturer’s brands that cannot draw upon direct customer contact.
Secondly, the so-called “truthful difference,” that our company represents. The Body Shop is motivated and powered by the ideas of Anita Roddick, its founder. Since more than 30 years, the company has shown a highly successful combination of an effective business model through its ethical value system. The Body Shop’s values and commitments - i.e. the combination of innovation, high quality, fair price-performance ratio, inspiration from nature and a strong social commitment - mark our difference in the competitive environment.
For instance, 100 % of our bottles are made from “post-consumer-recycled” material. And, wherever possible, The Body Shop avoids secondary packaging.
This is what customers observe and appreciate. …
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The natural cosmetics market needs better consistency
Speakers at the Natural Cosmetics Conference 2009 in Nuremberg (Germany) have debated the future of organic and natural cosmetics in Europe and the USA. They consider that the segment still has a high potential for growth but need more consistency at all levels: from standards to retail concepts.
Since years natural cosmetics represent a growth segment par excellence and without doubt this trend continues and will exert influence on the whole cosmetics market in general. Considered worldwide, sales are growing by US$ 1 billion per annum and are currently estimated at around US$ 7 billion in total. As in the case of organic food, the great demand for natural cosmetics is concentrated on Europe and North America.
Customers in Germany spent about EUR 672 million on natural cosmetics in 2008, a significant increase of 9.7 % compared to the previous year. The organic natural and „near-natural“ segments would already represent 10 % of the German market. And the market isn’t saturated yet! The rising environmental consciousness and health awareness among consumers, as well as the desire for sustainability are fuelling the growth. […]
Indeed, the natural cosmetics business is one of the few economic sectors that show favourable development rates. Reasons for growth rank from consumer trends (cultural and social changes) to the search for alternative energies and raw materials and the shift from material prosperity to social wealth, or from prestige luxury to ethic luxuriousness! Increased media presence, and the rising number of distribution channels are also important factors of growth. According to Elfriede Dambacher the segment is currently evolving from a demand-driven to a supply market, which means new challenges for everyone involved. …
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Journalismus . Reise . Interviews . Redaktion . Lektorat . Fotodokumentation . Schreibwerkstatt . Textmanufaktur . Fachartikel . Naturwissenschaft . Social Media . Wortwelten . Journalismus . Reise . Interviews . Redaktion . Lektorat . Fotodokumentation . Schreibwerkstatt . Textmanufaktur . Fachartikel . Naturwissenschaft . Social Media . Wortwelten . Journalismus . Reise . Interviews . Redaktion . Lektorat . Fotodokumentation . Schreibwerkstatt . Textmanufaktur . Fachartikel . Naturwissenschaft . Social Media . Wortwelten . Journalismus . Reise . Interviews . Redaktion . Lektorat . Fotodokumentation . Schreibwerkstatt . Textmanufaktur . Fachartikel . Naturwissenschaft . Social Media . Wortwelten . Journalismus . Reise . Interviews . Redaktion . Lektorat . Fotodokumentation . Schreibwerkstatt . Textmanufaktur . Fachartikel . Naturwissenschaft . Social Media . Wortwelten . Journalismus . Reise . Interviews . Redaktion . Lektorat . Fotodokumentation . Schreibwerkstatt . Textmanufaktur . Fachartikel . Naturwissenschaft . Social Media . Wortwelten .